What’s the secret to Recovery Strategies rapid recovery therapy program?
Our cutting edge rapid recovery approach doesn’t stop there. Additional group sessions help heal your mind and body.
The group meeting in the treatment setting is a powerful vehicle to help clients see that they share similar experiences and feelings as others, and that they are not alone. Meetings are extremely therapeutic in the treatment of individuals with alcoholism and substance abuse. The group process effectively assists in the healing process, and helps individuals find freedom through the benefits of sharing similarities of both the difficulties each participant faced, and through sharing the growth and learning each person has experienced.
During the initial phase of treatment, each client goes through an assessment that assist the staff in gathering pertinent information, and assists the staff in creating a treatment plan for each client.
Group meetings facilitate assistance in learning to deal with addiction, stress management, anger management, relapse prevention, coping skills, codependency, and family dynamics. Groups also include programs for expectant mothers and new mothers.The psycho-education groups motivate individuals to discuss their experiences, and then process their reaction to these experiences. Group meetings are extremely successful in assisting clients to gain a greater awareness of possibly buried hurts, and the clients share in the experience of giving themselves, and each other, permission to allow their true feelings to emerge. It is within this permission that the individual gains the ability to express themselves, and find the freedom and healing to move on into recovery.